Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Day in the Mountain

The Drive Up
Today we went up Rigi, a mountain a short drive from the house. The road was really narrow and steep. I could feel my ears popping as we drove up. There are houses on the mountain too, mostly farms with, of course.... COWS. I really don't know how the cows stay on the mountain without falling off, but somehow they do. There was a little playground near where we parked. It had a see-saw and this cool swing thing that spun around when you put a Franc in.

The mountain... so pretty.



Another pretty pic... the towns at the bottom of the mountain.

Anna and Dad swinging at the playground

Cute pic :)

The Hike
Well, it wasn't really a hike. It was more like a walkThere was a paved road and there trail didn't elevate at all, but the view, weather and just everything was incredible. It looked like something out of movie. At one point I even broke out into song... "The hills are alive!" Also, there are wildflowers everywhere. Celine made a huge bouquet.
Schluchegg is the trail we took

Okan was explaining that this is a rare kind of wild flower. In the winter it can grow through the snow, and the Swiss make medicine out of them. He said he would give anyone who found a Franc. Anna found two more, and we used the Francs on the swing thing.
Ice Cream
After the walk we ate a snack at a restaurant. I had some fries and the Swiss version of Sprite. Also, at the restaurant I tried snitzel (Nicole, I was think of you and Dani the whole time :) ) The we went back to the playground and rode the swing thing. It was fun. And I fell off the see-saw. My dad and Anna sat on the other end, and it was too heavy. My side went up so fast and I flipped off! It hurt, but I was okay.

The Swiss Sprite
The Lake
After we got back to the house we walked down to the lake. It is really close and really awesome. The water is really clear and fresh too. Apparently, people drink straight from the lake. The water comes from the melting mountain snow, so it is really cold. I skipped a couple rocks, which was awesome for me because I had never done that before :). We fed a swan some bread and then headed back.

Feeding the swans.
The swing thing! Whoooo!

Tomorrow, I think we might be taking a train to Gruyère, which is in the French speaking part of Switzerland, so I am excited to practice mon français. Also I heard someone say "chocolate train" and a combination of chocolate and trains can't be bad :)


  1. haha, schnitzel! :DD was it good? i bet you were laughing the whole time if when you were eating it. and that swing thing looks a lot of fun! and who are these people you're talking about? xD et oui, tu pourrai parler le francais! (: si tu visites les orateurs italiens, criez "merde!" :DD

  2. It was so much fun yesterday -- the top of the mountain was beautiful. I really liked watching the parasailers float down from the top of the mountain -- I want to do that someday!

    It was also so nice of you to invite the Random Swiss Girl (RSG), Rebecca to take the fourth seat on the swing thing. i am sure it was a big thrill for her! Making friends around the cool.

  3. That last comment is from DAD, don't know why it says "Caroline said..."

  4. Chocolate trains sound awesome! :-)
